Pharmacy Service
The SPH-T Pharmacy caters to all in and out- patients for 24 hours from Monday to Sunday.
A Pharmacist is always available to answer all queries regarding medicines of your patients.
For safety purposes of our patients, the hospital implements the registration og outsourced medicined and medical supplies at eht Pharmacy prior to acceptance and usage of the patients.
Trained Pharmacists carried-out medications ordered by doctors which are needed by the patients for every 24 hours and delivers to the Nurses' Station Unit.
To render quality health care service to our patients, we see to it that we offer first class service and medicines with good quality and are taken direct from the companies.
Business Office Service
The SPH-T Business Office plays a vital role in the hospital. It is the "Life and Heart" of the institution. It maintains the assurance of the financial viability and utilization of resources for its efficient and effective operation
We provide excellent quality service, and enhance responsiveness through greatly increased flexibility and continuous innovation and improvement.
The Business Office opens at 7:00 am to 8:00 pm on Mondays to Fridays.
8:00 am to 5:00 pm on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays.